‘CHANTO’ (meaning to do things very well and properly) is the name given to a line of stunningly crafted tableware products made right here in Hikone.
I love these pieces for so many reasons – here are a few:
1. They are made from wonderful to use wood – and different complimentary kinds at that!
2. They have clean, simple, stackable lines of design – enough to make any Scandinavian weep for joy.
3. They’re perfectly colourful! – touches of pop colour to contrast strikingly against the timber – (this is the part my eyes can’t get enough of and saying that I’m going to peek again at the photo below to get another hit :D)
4. They’re made by Shiga craftspeople who have dedicated their lives to exacting their skills in making pieces of wooden perfection.
If, like me, you’re dreaming of accessorizing any (or all!) of your spaces with ‘Chanto’, or would just like more of a look and feel of the products, check out this link below for product ranges and address details.
Thank you ‘CHANTO’.
Stay tuned for more gorgeous Shiga craft to come ~!
1.こういう感じの木材を使ってるのっていうのがいい。 で、また色々なタイプがあっておもしろい。
3. とにかくカラフル。 ポップな色彩がウッディな部分とコントラストを作っててとってもいい。 これ書いてる今でも、なかなか目がはなせないので、何度も写真に魅入ってしまいます。
4. それでいてこの子達がここ滋賀県の職人さんたちによってつくられていること。 職人さんたちはその卓越した技術で、これら木器の究極形をつくりあげることに日々打ち込んでいること。